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In the first half of 2017, China's PV market environment has undergone great changes, distributed photovoltaic power generation into the development of the outlet, transformation or into the distributed areas of the growing number of enterprises, challenges and opportunities coexist.

In this wave of distributed development tide, Jingke, Suntech, Jingao, Tianhe, Longji, Lin Yang, Zhong Sheng, Yingli, etc. as the representative of the industry mainstream manufacturing company to set up a distributed branch in the form of beachhead in the field market share. There are also a number of photovoltaic manufacturing companies or project companies composed of senior entrepreneurs to join them, including sunny technology, Thai Union, Air Yu and so on.

In addition, there are enterprises from other industries have different degrees of intervention, the manufacturers flocked to a rapid rise in emerging markets.

The rapid decline in costs support the rise of distributed civilian market
Especially in 2006 Shanghai Electric Power Institute Institute of Solar Energy Zhao Chunjiang in Shanghai Yangming International Garden to build "China's first photovoltaic civilian roof power station", China's distributed photovoltaic power generation policy is still in a blank. Solar power system cost is also relatively expensive, according to the price of the year, by the 22 136W crystal silicon components and inverters, AC switch boxes, cables and other components of the total cost of 3KW photovoltaic power generation system needs 60,000 yuan.

Although the early construction of residential photovoltaic power generation system put a large cost, but also experienced a lot of details of the transformation, but for the construction of home power plant Zhao Chunjiang expressed regret, he said: "Shanghai is a big city, is also a large per capita electricity, the use of solar energy The scale of photovoltaic power generation system can be small and small, the technology applied to the general family, to play the local photovoltaic power generation system in situ use, reduce transmission losses, the advantages of failure to solve the local, will better reflect the photovoltaic power generation technology Of the comprehensive economic benefits.

Since September 2012, the people of Beijing, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shanghai, Shandong, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places have been encouraged to start building their PV systems on their own roofs after the release of the distributed grid. Years of "China's only civilian photovoltaic power plant - Zhao Chunjiang roof power station" was broken. Since then, distributed photovoltaic power generation showed a rapid growth curve every year, in 2016 into the peak, the new installed capacity reached 4.23GW.
Today, the same 3KW scale commercial roof photovoltaic power plant has been reduced to less than 30,000 yuan, compared with the cost of 2006 decreased by 50%. This is due to the recent years, components and other photovoltaic power generation equipment costs, especially technological innovation brought about by the cost, so that high-quality and efficient single crystal components have been widely promoted and applied. To Longji shares, Central shares as the representative of the single crystal manufacturing enterprises through technological change, capacity expansion to promote the parity of single crystal products, thus changing the current global single, polysilicon industry market structure.

A large number of high-efficiency single crystal components into the market, making the photovoltaic system to further enhance the efficiency of power generation, greatly increasing the investment income, reducing the payback period. According to the public report, Longji Le single crystal PERC battery conversion efficiency increased to 22.17%, its 60 P-type PERC single crystal 156 * 156mm battery pack, under standard test conditions, the power reached 316.6W.

Policy encouragement, corporate promotion, coupled with the cost of decline and other reasons, more and more Chinese consumers began to contact photovoltaic power generation. To further promote the development of domestic distributed photovoltaic, recently introduced the "thirteen five" plan on the PV market installed capacity to do a clear plan, the focus shifted to the distributed, that is, the total capacity of 105GW, of which the distributed power station 60GW, ground concentration Power plant 45GW, its market development prospects can be seen.

Product quality worrying, inefficient low-quality products to be eliminated

Distributed development is likely to be photovoltaic into another stage, so that solar photovoltaic power into the tens of thousands of households become possible. Longji shares president Li Zhenguo said that the distributed market is broad, the past two years the development is particularly fast.

However, along with the rise of the market, disorderly competition is followed, the components of products crack, design and installation defects, goods and other issues have not happened. The current distributed market quite a mixed bag, the use of low-end photovoltaic products, inefficient low-quality products filled the terminal market, which is distributed to the terminal public is very unfavorable.

As the main power generation unit of photovoltaic power plants, the quality and efficiency of components have a key role in power generation and electricity costs. Distributed power plants are more dispersed, the installation area is more limited, and the project process to share the cost of higher, in order to reduce the cost of single-tile to increase the cost of income, Europe and the United States and other countries of the distributed users are more popular and efficient environment-friendly components.
"Because the main market in the roof, if the same size in the case, more power generation, then the roof of the investors for greater income, and more stable quality and reliable, suitable for long-term use, so we are usually distributed roof power station Recommend efficient single crystal components. "Shanghai, a distributed power generation EPC company responsible person said.

However, due to the various types of enterprises into which, now distributed photovoltaic has become a very obvious product homogeneity of the market, which has just contact with the photovoltaic industry, the dazzling many similar products feel at a loss, and for many new Enter the industry's dealers, the first encounter is the question "I should be the product which product, in the end what kind of product Kaopu."
In this regard, China's Rooftop Distributed Photovoltaic Alliance Secretary-General Secretary Hu Hongjun appeal to the photovoltaic manufacturers: to enhance product quality and service capabilities, and jointly regulate the development of civil market order for each family to provide the best system products and experience.

It is predicted that 3-5 years after the small distributed power generation, micro-micro-network system will rise, China's photovoltaic power generation will really face the consumer B2C terminal market era, components, inverters and other photovoltaic equipment sales Gradually with the traditional industry convergence, all the brutal growth will gradually to the modern management and free market closer. But the test of China's photovoltaic manufacturing enterprises is not how to bid, how to fight the project ... but the enterprise's product quality, brand awareness and after-sales service, efficient and high quality and has a recognizable brand components will be unique, access to a broader market.

In this context, July 18, organized by the Longji Le Ye distributed roof photovoltaic power generation lecture hall will be held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, from all over the country industry experts, industry leaders, distributed photovoltaic-related business representatives will witness a The arrival of a new era of distribution.

According to reports, the activities aimed at sharing through the expert point of view, enterprise product knowledge, on-site interactive experience, etc. so that more people know the PV, understand the photovoltaic. Activities through the national photovoltaic policy, distributed photovoltaic knowledge, system configuration, installation and construction experience and success stories to explain, for domestic and foreign people to build a distributed photovoltaic power generation platform to explore the domestic distributed power plant construction of new cooperation model.